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Creative Power Episode 22: The Impact of Beltane on Creativity

What impact does the flow of energy throughout the year have on our creativity? How is our creativity and inspiration shifting as we reach the 1st May (Beltane) and move into the fire energy of action and doing? How can we harness this and use it to support our creativity flow?

In this third guest interview of a year-long series with Emily Tuck, we’ll be hearing how the festival of Beltane on 1st May can impact our creativity and what shifts it can create in our mindset and energy.

Got a burning question you’d love me or Emily to answer? Send me a voice message and I’ll answer in a future episode at https://www.speakpipe.com/CreativePower

To work with Emily Tuck visit www.emilytuck.com

Listen to Emily’s Podcast Lilith Speaks https://geni.us/lilithspeaks

Connect with Emily on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilytuck/

To find out how to work with me visit www.camillafellasarnold.com/creativepower

For episode transcripts visit: https://camillafellasarnold.com/category/podcast/

Transcript [auto-generated]

Camilla Fellas Arnold 0:25
Welcome to Creative Power, and podcast designed to help you claim the full spectrum of your creative potential. I’m Camilla fellas Arnold. And I’m passionate about discussing how we change the face of both the creative industries, and how we interact with creativity itself. So that in nourishes our soul, and helps us express ourselves within alignment, flow and authenticity. Let’s get started.

Welcome to Creative Power, we’ve got Emily tuck back with us again. For the last few weeks we’ve been talking about after the spring equinox and Ostara, Emily talked to us about the kind of energy that we’ve got going on how ideas were popping up and rising, but we also had subconscious fears, and obstacles coming up in the way. And I’ve been talking over the last few episodes about how we can deal with some of those blocks. And as we come to the first of May, which is Beltane. I’ve invited Emily, back again, she’s going to do a little introduction, just to let us know who she is and what she does, but she is now going to talk to us about what we can expect from the next six weeks. So Emily, welcome back.

Emily Tuck 1:52
Are you. Hi, thank you, Camilla, for that fabulous introduction. Welcome.

Thank you for having me again. Essentially, what I do is I help I work with women and or couples to be fair to find out about the archetype of Lilith.

And to use that to bespoke their lives by what is it that she’s there to guide us through? And then also, how does that then help shape your life and step you into your power? I guess it’s a really interesting bumping me because Lilith actually is a guardian of creativity. Hence, the reason why we have this sort of drop in around around this subject. So I’ve been I’ve spoken to you guys previously about involved, and then Ostara. And now we’ve come up with a Beltane. So what’s interesting about Beltane is it’s entering a new phase and the tiny five elements as well. So Beltane is one of the major festivals. So pagan wheel is broken into four major and four kind of sauces.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 2:56
I think they’re also called aspects. We’ve got the semantics, which are the major festivals and the aspects, which are the minor ones

Emily Tuck 3:03
that we are Beltane is a setback, it’s one of the major ones. So if you’re in the northern hemisphere, as we are, this is where you’re off about it is a major setback. So it’s one of those moments, major setbacks, I find are a little bit more of a hard stop when it comes to things. The energy completely changes in a good way. But what it does do is, were we off star, it was like the beginning of something. And then as you were coming, you could continue on that sort of trajectory. But it gave you a good stopping point, I guess.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 3:38
It’s almost like taking a little breather so you could regroup.

Emily Tuck 3:42
Indeed, whereas what Beltane did this time last year, it brought me to an absolute standstill, I took the entire weekend off,

Camilla Fellas Arnold 3:52
I did say we I went to bed, basically I was just

Emily Tuck 3:56
worn out. And so that’s the really interesting thing that I want to kind of mention about Beltane. Because with the Chinese five elements, as you lay it over the top, we also enter a new element. So we enter the fire element. So when you talk about, you know, being kind of really tired, and you almost can’t, if you’re already kind of tired and exhausted from the wood phase, which in coop incorporates us that you haven’t got any forward momentum on the same energy to keep going for another 12 weeks. And I think this is where if we can go with the rhythm of it, it actually makes a massive difference to how we approach things. So what I do with EG sabots for major festivals is I take a hard stop. So when I’m looking at deadlines coming up to make sure that everything’s over the line. But similarly, I allow myself at least a couple of days just to go right what’s the energy feel like now because I can’t really explain why other unless it was entirely different than it did, even though

Camilla Fellas Arnold 5:04
it does, it really does feel like such a shift. And you, I’ve felt it myself that you just have to stop and take a breather, almost like taking stock taking inventory, where am I now? What do I want to do in the next six weeks, 12 weeks, where am I going, and it’s a really good opportunity to have that reflection time.

Emily Tuck 5:25
And that’s where you might find that there were certain projects that were on the rise screen in bulk. Now you’ve had to always let me know over the line. don’t quite know where I’m going to start the next slot. But that’s okay. Don’t panic, because as you come in, and what it’ll do is as the days go by, and you feel more in that page, but this is what it’s phases for, this is what Beltane is for. So allowing yourself, the data, that hard stop can be really useful and not rushing to, like, I did it on a Saturday. Now I’m gonna do it on the Monday. What happens if it takes till Wednesday, because it’s completely new phase. Somehow that works.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 6:10
And it’s important to be kind to yourself as well, because as creatives particularly, we’ve got this impression that we have to be turned on all the time. And there’s always got to be all the ideas downloading and it’s all going to be flowing. And actually it’s saying, Okay, you can take a breather, just give yourself a moment to see what’s coming up. And where are you going next, you’re allowed to give yourself permission to and be kind to yourself imperative, because it’s not this magical thing. It’s not like a light switch that is turned on or off. It ebbs and flows, as we have discussed.

Emily Tuck 6:45
And I think with that comes the opportunity to recalibrate to so one of the one of the emotion that belongs to the fire element, which is at this time of year with meltdown is joy. And love is the other emotion. And what it also does is it’s the other question actually is hate but it’s not in the way we will understand it in the west. It means the absence of joy. So when you go okay, it’s an absence of joy. So what this 12 weeks offers us is the ability to balance that is the joy, is there not joy? Is the absence of joy. Okay, so how do I bring joy in,

Camilla Fellas Arnold 7:25
I think is a really good opportunity, actually, because I’ve talked about joy quite a few times on this podcast, it’s my word of the year. And we are starting to get towards I mean, this is month five, we’re nearly halfway through the year. And it’s also that opportunity to say, to look at your life and say, Where is the joy because you know what, we have it in summer, we were able to go out, there’s lots of things going on the weather is better. So everyone feels more joyful anyway, which is great. But it’s also looking at where’s the joy in the small things because as the summer will wear on and we’ll head into winter, are we going to be able to keep up that we won’t be going out so much we won’t have all these exciting projects and things going on. So building a solid foundation of joy, not just in all the action and doing but in the smaller parts of your life that that solid base, those foundations will really serve you later on in the year.

Emily Tuck 8:26
Well, it’s interesting, you bring that up the idea of joining the small things, and I totally why that’s interesting to me, because it’s when we’re talking about changing who would be in in the world around the creative narratives. I remember listening to different podcasts as diverse CEO. And they were one of the guests was on there. And he was talking about the best was talking about the idea that there is no surcharge on dopamine. So the top hits that happen when we do something joyful, or when we achieve a goal or whatever it is that when a big creative goal that we’ve got over the line. Or when let’s just show up, this is the top this is the subject that I’m going to get out to do today. This is the thing I’m going to create today all the way up into right today doesn’t matter. But do you have that? endorphin hit? Wow. Yes. So he was explaining that the surcharge on it. And so for example, you might as well, he was describing it in terms of fitness, right? That you might as well acknowledge every single pound. Because if you only wait till you’re 10 pounds in or seven pounds in, you don’t get an extra charge of dopamine and welldone you enjoy going through your body just because it was seven pounds. You might as well have it seven times and build a more solid neurologically stable idea of joy. Why have it once when you can have a seven times?

Camilla Fellas Arnold 9:56
Well, yeah, because to kind of draw parallel to that when you think Like how people are playing mobile games, they’re getting those small rewards all the time and those little tiny hits. But we don’t translate that into the other parts of our lives. We, we forget that, like creativity, for example, we always think of that tangible thing at the end, the end of the project where we’ve finished the canvas, or we’ve made the sculpture or whatever it is, but actually, what about those moments during the day when you say, at the pottery wheel, or you are painting you are drawing, and you’ve just done a bit that just looks amazing. You’ve, you’re doing a portrait of someone and you’ve just captured that I just write that looks exactly like them. And we don’t stop and take a moment to just say, Oh, my goodness, wow, I did that. And it’s amazing with so focused on that end goal or end result, the final piece where it all comes together that we miss out on all of those little tiny bits of joy in the space.

Emily Tuck 11:03
So that for me was really important when it comes to Beltane. Because this is our opportunity in the year to really focus in and regulate all that joy. Not just, I mean, we want it to be there all the time, of course, but there are phases when it is much more receptive, I guess, and much more fun centre, and between now and the first of August. So I will be back halfway through for the summer solstice. This 12 window is a real opportunity, what we have seen enjoy creating joy. So that was one of the things I really wanted to kind of mention. The other thing that I think is important for this phase is the idea that with the idea of because we’ve made the return was inward, we’ve moved into the doing phase, which is great in some ways, because instead of having those ideas incubate and maybe in thinking about it, and am I standing in my own way, now we’re feeling it’s time to get on with that thing. It’s the same energy that makes you go right and Beachbody, right. In that moment, what you do is we now go from almost thinking about that yoga class, to actually getting out there and actually doing that. And when we did it in the last six weeks, we may have done it and then gone. Oh, yeah, but I got this thing in the corner. And that’s your subconscious getting in the way. Whereas as the energy rises into summer, you’re actually looking at them, it’s easier to do.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 12:33
You call that forward momentum.

Emily Tuck 12:36
There is that forward momentum. It’s easy to do those things because it’s brighter outside. But what you also want to be mindful of and this is for all the workaholics out there or the kind of go go go doo doo doo. And doing it doing it doing had create this kind of doing and overburdening. And I you know, and it’s this idea that if you overdo it just you end up back where you started,

Camilla Fellas Arnold 13:04
is really important. Because I remember last year, I got to sort of the end of August, September time. So we’ve gone through that fire season. And we were then kind of in the harvest as it were. And I was just, I’d been going since about May, I just been working, working, working, showing up every single day holding space, doing all the things. And by the end of it, I was so burnt out. And it’s it’s one of those things that it’s important to pace yourself and be mindful now because we are excited, we were happier. We’ve got all this energy and get go and we want to do all the things. But remember, rather than sprinting, it’s actually a marathon like keep the energy going, pace yourself, be mindful of how fast you’re going, will you have energy at the end of it? Or will you suddenly fall into a slump because you’ve burnt yourself out.

Emily Tuck 14:03
And so the beautiful thing with fire element is that within the fire element, there are two meridians and they help regulate this process. So it’s again, it’s a way of kind of keeping yourself accountable the wrong way, but kind of being mindful about being present to that during the next four months. So the one that runs your burnout, if you like or your adrenals or your go go go at the cost of is actually your adrenal system is called the triple warmer Meridian in acupuncture. But essentially what it does is it runs that process. So is it so if you’re going from Go Go, go, are you going from joy is that its own generating fire? That is actually day in day out and I love it. I personally have somebody who when I finally joined something, I could do it for days. Yes, me too. But that’s how I built that if I’m doing, but there’s no joy that’s burnt out. So we know the difference. And sometimes people aren’t as aware as they could be. But it’s about looking at that and going, Okay? What can I do to bring that into balance. So, within China, it has a partner, it has a wife to the husband, the triple warmer as the husband, the circulation, sex, mediaeval. pericardium is the wife. That meridian, regulates our legacy to the world, regulates what we leave behind, and regulates our hormones. But what it also looks at is, where are we bringing that from? Where’s that? Has that joy getting out into the world? Is your burnout? Or is it actually let the universe using these to enlighten and balance? Is it forward, as you name it stop or is your intellect, in keeping that imbalance you can actually create for longer and a more sustained period. And I was very clear when I was preparing, think about this episode. It’s not the same as sedation, or hydro creativity under a bushel, not that energy towards or sedation, it’s allowing it to be paced and allowing it to take over from the burnout is more

Camilla Fellas Arnold 16:18
measured and deliberate, because sedation is quite passive. Whereas when you’re very deliberate, when you’re you’re measured and intentional about what you’re doing, that’s more active, but not in a Go Go Go really forceful kind

Emily Tuck 16:33
of way. And one of the other things I came to realise about this, that potentially that beginning of gogogo part of creativity, because creatives do it a lot, and I’ve noticed it with you that this is such a big part of this is about changing the narrative of creativity. So as I mentioned, at the beginning, I work with the goddess of Lilith. And when I was researching her earlier this time last year, if not earlier last year, what was in was, what she does, is, you know that phase as a creative doing this, but you almost can feel it on the edge of the corner of your eye feel on the edge of the energy that if you’re going to do this, your family’s gonna lose you for 30 days while you’re busy creating

Camilla Fellas Arnold 17:26
the creative mania as it were.

Emily Tuck 17:30
So the mania is run by the performer because it’s what this other piece does, is what they found with creatives is that they would have dreams. And I’m talking about the big artists, but it happens to everybody. So they mentioned people like dura and Goya, and, you know, big artists like that. What they’ve said is that they would have dreams, just prior to this Virgo phase creation phase. And the dreams of Lilith, she would appear to them. And this, this goddess would have been to them. And almost say, if you’re going into this face, you don’t need to be afraid of it. I will guide you through it. So she becomes a conduit to support the Go, go go, but also to keep it flowing manner rather than a mania burnout. So that by the end, you do have these beautiful creative things that you’ve made and all sorts of endeavours. But you’ve also done it in a kind of a constant fire that’s burned for days and days, not quick upsurge and then nothing. Because when you were talking about yourself last year, because you’ve burned out quick and fast when you dropped, yes. Whereas what she does is she helps you stoke that fire. And the other thing that she’s been documented to try and support or the no invisible is the kind of presses strong, but the kind of isolation or the melancholy that can be there. Because she allows that fire and energy to keep coming in a gentle fashion, but consistent fashion. Actually, the melancholy doesn’t need to be there. And they reported that the people who were allowing that process so they allowed Lilith into the meditations and it’s less of it. So I actually think she’s really it’s really powerful to be mindful of, if you’re going into this phase, use it and really utilise it, utilise it to change the narrative. And for my part, I think we’ve limited becomes, here’s a companion to take you on that journey. You’re not growing alone. It’s really important to be supported. to guide them through that process,

Camilla Fellas Arnold 20:03
creativity is really or it can feel really lonely it can be, particularly things like writing, they can be a really solitary process, not once they’re done, and they’re going out into the world, that’s a different story. But the actual trying to get it out of your head, out of your body onto paper, or whatever it is, whatever medium, it’s a lonely process. And also, there’s this, there’s kind of a layer of wanting to just fall into all of that exciting creation, and, and just wanting to kind of unleash yourself, let go of all of those inhibitions and just create from the deepest, darkest depths of your soul and see what comes out. But I know for myself, and probably for a lot of other creatives, it can be really scary to even think about doing that, because of that fear of how much of yourself you will lose in the process. And then also with creatives. Because it can be seen as like this innate talent, you know, you’re gifted, you’ve been born with this. People don’t always understand it. And they don’t understand creatives, they kind of look at them. And oh, what do we do with that? So that also compounds this isolation? Because not only are we struggling to get it out of ourselves and into a tangible form, but the rest of the world who isn’t seeing themselves as creators are looking at us, like, what are you doing? I don’t understand what to do with you. How do we support you? So the idea that Lilith can walk alongside us, I find really interesting. And I’m sure a lot of other people would sit there and say, That is interesting. How do we go about this? How do we start this process of walking with

Emily Tuck 21:50
her? Well, first of all, I think the first thing you do is invite her in. First thing you do is actually set that intention and invite her in. Now, obviously, it will depend on the creative. Some people might do it in a meditation, some people might do it by prayer, some people might do it just by the moment, they stand at a level where they sit, and with the desk with their pen, whatever their kind of men of ritual, it’s the question of inviting her into the space so that it can be contained and be supported by her. So each person will have a different way of bringing that about. A couple of examples, I’ve also found that when I’m working with people with learning about their sexuality, and relationships, and transforming their relationships, their creativity, naturally changing creativity and actually representing that. So it’s a really interesting time to use that. Because if you know that your narrative is either I’m going to go into a hole, or I’m going to possibly burn out as I create this thing. Use this as an opportunity to, okay, I’m gonna invite her in and see what difference that makes. See, if by bringing it back into joy, by bringing it back into maybe how you structure your day, how she guides you to structure your day in a creative practice, actually, you come out of it a very different version, you still have those end results, and those those chapters written or those paintings made, or whatever, you know, the crochet that you did, whatever it is that you are creating, you come out of it in a different space, because you’ve come out of it with the idea of making something additional, because Beltane is also about the sacred sexual union Festival, where you’ve got the god and the Goddess. And the idea is that they, they have this sexual union with the idea of creating a third thing. Well, what I’ve observed with people who created is all the people I’ve worked with is that often when they go into that phase of right, I’m going to make the thing and they they head off down into that adrenalized that main manic kind of process. They do create themselves, so they don’t they kind of cancel the creativity councils name out. And I spoke to an artist years ago who said a friend of mine who was an artist years ago who said it was almost like if he had to choose between him and the creativity. He chose himself. Well, that’s fine in itself. But what if there’s a third option?

Camilla Fellas Arnold 24:32
We haven’t been taught that there’s even a third option available. And this is something that I’m really passionate about having the conversation that we can rewrite this narrative, there is a third option. It doesn’t have to be at the detriment of the Creator themselves. They can be this, this combination of you and your creativity creating a third party that lives outside of you. It’s its own entity and it doesn’t cost you Anything to do it on any kind of physical, emotional, spiritual level?

Emily Tuck 25:07
I think for me, the only way that that is doable, or at least is a way to start shaping that change transformation is that it comes from a place of what do you love doing? So again, this fire element becomes a real opportunity to Okay, is it coming up joy? Have I invited in a companion to take me on this journey? Right? And then after three, four days, if you like, I’ll bring you joy anymore. Okay, no problem, I’ll move to something else. Because as I alternate with things that bring me joy, and I follow the joy, rather than this project eternity, therefore, I need to kill myself over. Actually, you realise you get several things over the line. But more importantly, you have a solid idea of a subconscious version of yourself. The creativity, for the joy of and the love of the creativity of the thing that you make, and the love of sharing it with the world.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 26:04
Ultimately, that makes you so much more magnetic. I mean, I’m reminded of something that mean, you talked about earlier today, where we were talking about why we’re doing things. And we talked about why am I doing this? Versus how am I doing this? So often, when we’re coming up the the projects, and we’re thinking, why am I doing this? Why am I making this, it could be you know, we want to make some money, we want to, you know, tell a story, we want to do this, that and the other we got to pay the bills. They these are the wise, but when actually it’s just how reframed as to how am I doing this? It’s more about? Am I doing it? Because I love it? Am I bringing all this joy and gratitude and happiness into the space? am I sharing it with the world making something tangible at the end of it? Because I’m just so in love with what I’m doing and just can’t help myself, I’m compelled to create, because I’m happy. And that can actually make you even more magnetic to everyone else.

Emily Tuck 27:10
And I think it also, in a strange way, if we take the idea that creative ideas have their own kind of energy about them. You know, writers talk about the characters meeting them. Yes. Sweet little actually the same. But also what it does, is as you become more and more joyful, you become more and more magnetic. This is where that love joy. Hate is the absence of joy, the absence of love, because that is, and it’s not necessarily hate in the strictest sense of rage. That’s a different thing. But this is an absence. So where is it? Where is my joy today? Where is my love of what I do today? What’s the thing that brings me up and actually, I’ve watched you in your recovery from last year’s burnout. So

Camilla Fellas Arnold 27:53
I was going to just talk about that actually, I lit your head. So when I was burnt out, and I remember, I took several days, maybe even a week off, didn’t come to my desk at all sent the bare minimum and emails basically saying I will deal with this when I’m back. When I finally did come back to my desk, I remember looking at all of my projects that I thought,

Emily Tuck 28:15

Camilla Fellas Arnold 28:16
none of them interesting. None of them looked fine. I just can’t be bothered. They all felt like a chore. And I sat there and I thought I don’t know how I’m gonna get back in action. I honestly just wanted to walk away from the desk again. And I sat there I thought, Okay, where’s the joy for me today. And it became that one sentence became my mantra for honestly, maybe a month or even two. I just say where’s the joy for me today. And initially, it was just in something really small, and not even creative. I went and sat and looked at pictures of dogs. And I went and watched like funny videos and things like that just to bring me some joy. And then I thought to myself, Okay, how can I translate this into actually doing some work? Maybe because otherwise I don’t know how I’m gonna get out of the hole. And what it led me to is do my own passion project, which has to do with based on my dogs, Shetland sheepdogs, I create books and all kinds of things based on Shelties because, as a side note, I don’t think they’re represented enough. When you go in a shop. You can see all the Border Collies and all the other dogs and you never see anything with a Sheltie on so that’s my thing. And I love those dogs. So the idea of spending the day just looking at the cute dog pictures and working with that was like, oh my god, yeah, I can totally do that. So excited.

Emily Tuck 29:46
And I did that for the day.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 29:49
didn’t think anything more thought, Oh, well, tomorrow I’ll probably come back and feel rejuvenated and get on with something else. sat at my desk the next day. Where’s the joy for me today? Let’s not in any of my other projects. So I went back to that dog project. And I worked on it for at least a month. And what that did was, it filled up the tank of where’s the love and joy for me today. And it started to energise me in a completely different way. Because I was coming from that space of, I’m really happy, I love what I’m doing. And then eventually, I was able to intersperse that with other projects. And by the end of when that project did finish, I could move on to everything else am I had something in me motivated, I even wanted to do those other things. It all came back to where’s the joy for me today.

Emily Tuck 30:46
So one of the ways I love that story,

Camilla Fellas Arnold 30:49
I never get tired or telling it to be honest.

Emily Tuck 30:54
I love to hear it. When I when I was thinking about that, and I was listening to it’s about making sure that what is that passion project at that time, because the other thing is being Beltane. Being a hard stop on previous projects, potentially, is the things that brought you joy. No longer have any life left in them, they’ve burned out new ones. But by the same token, what happens if you’ve got five things that you’d want to do? Because I’ve never met a creative person who only has one thing on the go. But like, it’s a bit like holistic practitioners, they never have one modality, they’ve always got 12.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 31:32
We can’t help ourselves. There’s just so many ideas and connections and things that you can do. There’s just not enough time in the day to do it all.

Emily Tuck 31:40
So what happens if each time you went which is the one? Which is the joyful one? For example, you know how you did your Sheltie manual. That was what you did for home. And then anytime you tried to do anything else like that? Not really yet. And I remember that six week who’s doing this. So eventually the shelter manual came to an end. What happens if you replace that by another Joy project? Yeah. Any time where there was I feel myself in a lack of joy, because it’s a balancing act. No problem, I’m gonna step back from whatever this thing is. I’m gonna go back to my joy project for a day, half a day, whatever, a couple of days. It brought it right to the tank a little more. And I know that for myself, there are parts. So I’m thinking about what what would my joy project be, and then keep that being replaced by another Joy project, but always having something in that area of my life, rather than just allowing it to have like a vacant space. I think it’s

Camilla Fellas Arnold 32:57
one of those things that it’s really important because we do have these passions and hobbies and things like that. But there can be times where you do put them down for whatever reason. And we’re often quite hard on ourselves that we haven’t picked it back up. But I actually really like what you’re saying there by reframing it of, okay, I’ve put down this passion project. Because the energy is not there, the interest is not there. It’s in whatever state of being, but I can pick this other passion project back up. And the idea that actually, it’s almost cyclical in nature that, you know, it might come back around again, it may be years from now, I mean, I’m thinking for myself about, I was probably about 10, or 11, when I picked up a piano accordion, and learned to play pretty much taught myself, my granddad helped me as well. And I’ve gone through phases with it. I spent years playing it, and then dropped it for several years, then came back to it, and then I dropped it again. And I’m currently in a phase where I haven’t played for probably about a year and a half. And there’s days where I’m like myself about it. For goodness sake, pick it up again, because you know, you love it, you know you enjoy it. But actually, what I’m hearing from you is, it’s okay, it will come back around in its own time. You’re just in a phase of this is more interesting to you right now. This is what’s bringing you joy right now, it doesn’t mean that the old thing is gone forever. Just you loved it, then you will love it again, or you can love it again, it will come back around in its own time.

Emily Tuck 34:39
That’s exactly what I’m saying. And I’m just checking something because so one of the things I find really interesting when it comes to those, finding the joy in the project, and how you know, what’s the joy project and can you replace it with another one? In human design, we have to I posted into five groups with two types, collectively make up 70% of the population, the generators and manifesting generators, they make up 70% of the population. That’s a lot. A lot of people, whether you consider yourself creative or not, you could well be a generator or a manifesting generator separate to whether you think of yourself as creative. The reason I’m mentioning it, is the manifesting generators are designed to go with the thing that brings them joy, where’s the joy, where’s the thing that’s exciting, where’s the thing that feels all that exciting, let’s play with that for a while. Then they have the ability to do that and multitasking. So 17 Things that are also exciting, potentially, from the outside looking in, may not be finished. Because they are excited, they get distracted by the other shiny, new, exciting thing. And that’s absolutely fine. Because they’re made that way. The other thing that happens is, the generators as opposed to the manifesting generators. Generators are designed just to go with the shiny thing. Like, here’s the shiny thing, and I’m gonna stick with it till it’s no longer shiny, which is fine. That could be days, it could be weeks, it could be months, what it does do is go with the joy is. So if you’re within that 70% of the population that wants to do the things that bring you joy, how much more permission do you need to follow that. So that’s how you’re built. That’s how your needs, and I think it compounds or compounds and compounds. That joy, which in turn makes you magnetic because you never get bored of it. Which shape may change fractionally or he I’ve done this phase of it. Now I need to do this phase of it. That’s fine. But also feel okay about ending stuff you don’t want to, because that’s not what brings you joy. And that will

Camilla Fellas Arnold 36:59
also help with burnout as well. And pacing yourself outsourcing all of those things that you don’t want to do. And it will. I found in my own practice, when I started to outsource some of my projects, just the tech stuff, for example, that I didn’t enjoy, handing that off actually created space, for more creativity, more new ideas, more energy, because I wasn’t being bogged down by those things i Hey, I’m definitely in the camp of being a generator. I’m all about the joy. So that totally worked for me. And I think there’s this, this perception because we live in a society that’s very much focused on suffering. And joy isn’t allowed. It’s like this, this carrot that’s dangled in front of us, but we’re not actually allowed to grab it and have it long term. It’s not allowed. It’s not for us to have as a state of being it’s not coming naturally to most people, that this idea that actually this is how we’re built. And you automatically have permission to be like that feels a little bit alien to people. But when you start to do that, and see that for yourself, you kind of just can’t help but build on it. Like for me, as I was talking about with that project, and feeling burnt out. And where is the joy to me today? Once I realised that I’m getting that dopamine hit of oh my god, I’m enjoying myself. I’m loving my project. I’m doing my passion thing. I couldn’t stop. And the only reason that I stopped doing it was because the book project finished. I finished making it and published it into the world, otherwise, I would have carried on. Because it’s just you just get into this cycle. Where is the joy? Where’s the joy? Where’s the

Emily Tuck 38:43
joy? And the thing when it comes back to the fire element about that, where’s the joy? Where’s the joy? That creates a sustained and growing but not burning out fire? It’s like where’s the burning? Where’s the fire? Where’s the and that’s doo doo doo in a way that’s feeding, not in a way that’s destroying and burning you out. So that’s a way to change the narrative or to look at that burnout narrative is actually something that starts to feel like there’s no joy. Give yourself fortnight, you’re probably in burnout on it. So you know what, when it stops feeling joyful, permission to put it down. I love that.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 39:22
That’s I think for creators. That’s a really important message for me. Like the most important thing I think you said, My biggest takeaway is actually you know what, it’s okay to put those things down if they’re not bringing you joy doesn’t mean that they won’t ever again, but follow the joy right now because you know what? Life happens? Things happen. We’re in different stages of who we are who we be in the world. So things that bring us joy today might not necessarily be the same tomorrow. That’s okay. Because I found what you said earlier about how sometimes when you put something down I And then you meet it again, however many months or years even later, and it, it caches it combines with something else that you now know or you’ve done to create something new that then reinvigorates it and makes it fun again, in a different way, because you know what, we can’t always go back to who we were back then. And I’ve had it in so many projects that are starting to re galvanised myself now things, ideas that I had used, and years and years ago, and I just at the time, wasn’t able to get them out into the world for whatever reason. But now they’re coming back around with a slightly different shape. Because I know different things. And I’m putting them together in a different way. But there’s more energy in them again, and they will get over the line this time, of course as well. Because they’re ready. They’re ready to go out into the world. And there’s also a new level of

Emily Tuck 40:56
joy for them as well. Exactly. And I think it’s fascinating to watch them come round, because some of those ideas are only from six weeks ago, maybe. But you know, some of those ideas could be years in the making, doesn’t mean that they’re not ready, it means that they wait. And if you think about it, in terms of animations are also I have a feeling in terms of films. Making that up, but it was the idea that the lot was there long ago.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 41:31
Yes, sometimes films can be in development, hell for so long, while they’re trying to get everything lined up. But the actual script was written, the concept was there. And it’s just taking time to line up everything to actually put into action.

Emily Tuck 41:48
And I’ve got a feeling with the matrix, it was a case of the CDI required to do it meant the whole thing basically went on a shelf for however long. But that was a little shelf or a metaphorical shelf. I don’t know. But it kind of got parked in the corner from it. But years later, oh, there is

Camilla Fellas Arnold 42:07
this idea of sometimes, yeah, you do wait. And you don’t always know why you’re waiting. Sometimes you do. Sometimes you don’t, it’s okay. Either way, be kind to yourself. Because the creativity is its own thing. And much as we live with it, we walk with it every single day, we don’t always understand it, because it’s got its own ebbs and flows and intentions. So just learn to accept that and walk with it.

Emily Tuck 42:37
And I know with myself, I’m very aware, often finishing up a piece of something that I didn’t want to do yet. But I’m very wary of taking a moment at that point, when I feel myself putting it down. Or I feel myself going, I don’t know what that’s about, I’m gonna put it over here in a corner. So I don’t get caught up in it. Kind of frog myself because it’s not there yet. Because that takes all the joy out of it. very mindful in my head of doing it in a way that says opposed to the idea and to the universe, this idea, or not abandoning it. Simply waiting, I’m putting over here. So that when the idea comes back around another outfit, or another piece that connects to it shows up somewhere, I can connect these two, at least three, or however many there are. Because I do it in a way that says I’m not leaving are abandoning it around a bit more or, you know, I don’t see other people doing a similar thing or whatever it is. Because it’s still happy for me to get on.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 43:38
Yes, like you the needs, you’ve kind of made a promise to it. Yeah,

Emily Tuck 43:44
I’ve contracted with that piece of creativity or that creative idea. And said, I’m not abandoning you. I’m not completing this offers, I can’t make it work. But right now, we’re waiting to go make sorted again, by this. I did because I think it’s attached to this. I think I’m in a place where I can do this now. I love that. It’s like

Camilla Fellas Arnold 44:07
seeing a beautiful button or something and taking it home to go in your stash. Because you know, at some point that’s going to come and be useful for something.

Emily Tuck 44:18
So yeah, you were saying that if really, that’s been a real interesting take home from this conversation. Yeah, definitely.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 44:24
I love that idea that you know what, we have permission to lean into our joy because you know, what, is hard out there it and even the process of being creative. When you’re drawing from all of those emotions, it can be tough. You know, we’ve kind of got it programmed into the narrative of creativity that it’s suffering. But what what you’re saying is actually no lean into the joy of this. Lean into the fun of the summer season and the fiery energy that we’ve got this forward momentum and just ask yourself, Where is it Joy put everything through that, that joy and happiness lens and see where you can go. I think that’s a really important take home. It is for me. Certainly. So thank you so much for sharing with us. It’s been really, really enlightening.

Emily Tuck 45:17
Thank you. I’m so glad it’s been helpful. And for those who want to work with yourself and that creative joy, you know where to find Camilla. And if you feel like Lilith is an important part of that, then obviously my details will be in the show notes as well. So yeah, let’s see what we can do with joy in the next 12 weeks.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 45:35
Yeah, I will definitely be putting all of your links in the show notes. And Emily, you can find her on LinkedIn. Search for Emily tuck. And she also is going to be relaunching her podcast Lilith speaks. So if you’re really intrigued by this conversation about what she said about Lilith, and you’re kind of walking with her, allowing Lilith to be your guide then definitely give a Lilith speaks a listen. It’s a fabulous thing. And I’m going to be guesting on there soon, you will be on method two, which is going to raise it. So there we go. Thank you so much for coming back to us, Emily. And we will see you again in six weeks. It’s going to be the summer solstice and we will find out where are we going from there onwards

Emily Tuck 46:25
an opportunity an opportunity to take stock in fire.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 46:31
Yes, that will be really interesting. I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say

Emily Tuck 46:36
about that.

Camilla Fellas Arnold 46:38
So thank you and I will speak to you again in six weeks time and for my listeners I will speak to you again next week. Thanks for listening to creative power today. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends and consider leaving a review. To find out more ways you can connect or work with me please visit WWW dot Camilla fellas arnold.com forward slash creative power

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