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Creative Power Episode 27: The Impact of Lammas on Creativity

What impact does the flow of energy throughout the year have on our creativity? How is our creativity and inspiration shifting as we reach Lammas and the Lionsgate Portal? What are you harvesting creatively? What else would you like to manifest in your creative practice?

In this fifth guest interview of a year-long series with Emily Tuck, we’ll be hearing how the festival of Lammas on the 1st of August and the Lionsgate Portal on the 8th August can impact our creativity and what shifts it can create in our mindset and energy.

Got a burning question you’d love me or Emily to answer? Send me a voice message and I’ll answer in a future episode at https://www.speakpipe.com/CreativePower

To work with Emily Tuck visit www.emilytuck.com

Listen to Emily’s Podcast Lilith Speaks https://geni.us/lilithspeaks

Connect with Emily on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilytuck/

To find out how to work with me visit www.camillafellasarnold.com/creativepower

For episode transcripts visit: https://camillafellasarnold.com/category/podcast/

Transcript [auto-generated]

Camilla Fellas Arnold
Welcome to Creative Power, and podcast designed to help you claim the full spectrum of your creative potential. I’m Camilla fellas Arnold, and I’m passionate about discussing how we change the face of both the creative industries and how we interact with creativity itself. So that in nourishes our soul, and helps us express ourselves within alignment, flow and authenticity. Let’s get started.

Welcome to Creative Power. We are back with Emily tuck this week to talk to us about the festival of Lammas, also known as Lunasol. And how it impacts and relates to creativity because we’ve been doing this series throughout the year. And we’ve come to another festival on the pagan wheel. And it’s interesting because it’s actually the festival is celebrated on the first of August. But we’re not recording it on the first of August, we’re actually recording it on the eighth. And there is a reason for that.

The reason being that today is what is called the Lionsgate portal. And we decided that it’s a good idea to talk about both of these together. Because of the energies that Lamaze brings in and combining that with Lionsgate. We’ve got this really, really highly energetic portal for harvesting and manifesting. So we wanted to talk about them together. And I’m gonna hand you over to Emily tuck, and she’s going to explain a bit more about it much more eloquently than I can. So Emily tell us, what they both have in common, which is what’s important

is the ability to manifest.

Emily Tuck
llama is the beginning of harvest festivals. And I say that in the plural, because when I was finding out a little more about when I was learning about them,

essentially, there are now three within a short period, so that different crops effectively are harvested at different points in the next few months. So they all they begin now. And they roll until the 31st of October, which is selling. So there is I will be back before the end of that for the next for the next festival, which is about six weeks time, which is the middle harvesting. So what will effectively have happened during the harvesting on the farms that still happens is that certain crops come now, certain crops are in the next six weeks and certain crops happen at the end of October. So that when you go into the metal element and begin the what needs to live in what needs to die as you go into the different which we haven’t covered it in this series. There are no crops available up in that hole. So what you need to be able to do is harvest the different crops at the different time Rolling Harvest. So this is the beginning of that process that begins on the first of August. It’s why I suspect once upon a nation you go that’s why the school holidays are where they are. So now we’re in our modern day we look at the factors and there’s all sorts of timber because we’re based in the UK now in England, the schools go back in the first week in September. In Scotland, they finish in the middle of the consumer the end of June. They have July assess on holiday, and they go back in the middle of August. So what it’s allowed for is within those two countries. People are all available at this time of year. If you’d like if the children or the extra who needs an extra hands on the farm to do the harvest. All hands on deck All hands to pump exactly so what happens is that the school holidays are now there because they’ve been there but why were they there? Since everyone was available to bring in a host and I feel feel

Camilla Fellas Arnold
like we’ve talked about that in terms of because obviously we’ve done from Imbolc onwards we’ve been talking having these conversations So we’ve talked a lot about planting those seeds, and preparing yourself bringing these ideas forward and really shaping them. And now is the time it’s not that from the on the first of August, you bring all the things in and harvest all the ideas creatively. It’s the start of that process of seeing the results, seeing the tangible results and rewards from what we’ve been metaphorically planting as creatives. Now we’re starting to see them come to fruition and come to something that we can enjoy.

Emily Tuck
You can get a first harvest. Yes. However, it’s also okay. And I know that, on a personal note, we found this a very interesting exercise at this time of the year last year. Because there was an element of where we could create things during the fire element. And we wanted them to harvest. But when you said want to harvest now, like immediately, if not sooner, and we’ll have more of it tomorrow. So there was a, an in the human in US was impatient for the what’s the first of August, so we should have stuff.

Camilla Fellas Arnold
I remember that. And

Emily Tuck
yet, it did harvest, but it began a process. And so harvested by the October, but it gently came in during this period. So what it’s worth noting is there will be things that you set in motion, right the way through in bulk, right the way around, possibly even from the winter solstice, where you are right in the depths of hibernation in bulk, you get to decide which ones are what you might have done. And you might be harvesting something that you put in motion in bulk. But it’s also okay, if you’re harvesting something that you put in previously moment. Yes, depending on where you put things in, and how they germinate and how long they take to get sort of organised. And I think it’s worth noting for the creative. This is sometimes new ideas leapfrog themselves very much as because I’m an alchemist, as an archetype, I have the alchemist, I go and I find a shiny thing. Oh, isn’t gold in here. I play with the fact that it’s got some goals. And I do something with it. And it might, for example, be a short course that I’ve created. Or it could be that you’ve done a particular set of sketches, or you’ve written a couple of poems, you know, it doesn’t, they’re not necessarily completed compendiums of something. However, what you don’t realise at the time is that that’s a jigsaw piece of a map. So you think you’ve made a whole and complete piece, and then carry on doing the thing. And you realise that actually, this is attached to this. Or if I add this on, and you know, when we sell it when we’re working with people my coaching, it might look like if you’ve added something to the bundle, or because you’ve got a new awareness, there’s a new module, however, that shows up. There’s additional bits you want to put into the chat as a second book. And that’s absolutely fine. So it’s worth bearing in mind. If you’re sitting there and you’re feeling like Well, where’s my harvest?

Camilla Fellas Arnold
I totally understand this. I’ve had it so many times myself. And there’s this frustration that you get when you’ve got this project and you think oh yeah, this is it. I’ve, you know, got it nailed. It’s a course it’s a piece of artwork, I know what I’m doing. And yet it doesn’t feel complete, or you just can’t quite get that motivation to get it over the line. I mean, even this week, I have finally finished a course that was set in motion two years ago. And it’s finally finished available. People can use it and actually do something with it now, but it took all that time. And it’s that realisation that sometimes while it looks like it’s the finished article to you it is part of a moving bigger picture that we just can’t see and that’s okay. But we’re really hard on ourselves as creatives really, really hard on ourselves and it’s just saying to yourself, you know what, if you’re not feeling it, I I profess this a lot and I try and practice what I preach as much as possible. But it’s okay to follow your feelings. You know, if you’re not feeling it today, don’t push yourself creativity takes so much out of us and it’s so much more of a process. It’s not it’s not just an intellectual thing that we do in our heads we live it we breathe it it’s it’s so much more. So it’s it’s okay to not have all the answers or not feel like you’ve made it yet.

Emily Tuck
And I had a really interesting experience with creative ideas. You know, I think we’ve spoken about it in previous episodes. And if not, I’m sure you’ve mentioned it in other episodes. You know that concept that Liz Gilbert talks about and big magic about the idea that the creative idea has its own energy and has its own personality and creativeness about it’s its own agenda. Basically,

Camilla Fellas Arnold
it’s an entity all in itself.

Emily Tuck
Like you, that’s what I was after it’s an entity or whole thing. And even made a contract. I remember this time last year, where we were sitting on we’re going on frustrated that it hasn’t harvested what has harvested to what we got in the time, and cost before we were listed, but I’m pretty sure quite a few of them for me idea that.

Camilla Fellas Arnold
Oh, yes, it’s part of part and parcel of being a creative, right, you just, they’re always evolving, because this is the thing. And maybe that’s something that we forget, as creatives that we take pieces of things that we find, and kind of collaging together into something new, we take, like ideas that we’re seeing, you know, people watching, we hear a word that we like, and it all gets mashed up together into something new that we create. So by extension, it makes sense for us to realise, although we don’t, that the things that we come up with can be part of the bigger picture as well, that is always evolving and growing, that, as creators, we never quite get to the end of what we’re creating, there’s always something more something new, we can get out of it.

Emily Tuck
So when that’s happening, this is a really good opportunity to look at it two ways. And I wasn’t gonna say this when I started, but actually, it seems quite natural. There’s a couple of different ways to look at it. This is an opportunity to look at what have you done in the last nine months, eight months, nine months that you’ve been harvesting since February. So that’s where we’ve started, where you’ve been listening to this series over the course of the year might be on the things that were in the incubation stage, when I started talking about inbox. Them talked about how you bring it to life, it may be those projects. So they have a turning circle of about a year, nine months, something like that. Equally, what things in your creative endeavours. And this is where I was saying I had an interesting experience because I was beginning to feel like some of those things. Have they harvested more ideas than I know what to do with it no way have I got any of them on the ground, that are usable for people to actually have to purchase or become part of or join a course or read the book or buy the painting or whatever it is anything tangible to show for my time. And what was fascinating was I went in, I do a lot of meditation as part of my practice to kind of allow myself to remember this. And I went in and I asked one day. And what happened was, it was like the creative ideas that I had made contracts with to create something, okay, you want me to create a thing, I’m gonna create a thing. You’ve asked me to make this, you know, handing yourself over, I will create this. I had felt in the frustration of the beginning of that harvest period, had I harvested anything or was I’ve wasted my time. But what was fascinating was that it was almost like the energy of the creative idea came and met me. And basically said, I didn’t feel like you’ve abandoned me. So when this came up the idea of that creative endeavour it’s left to sit and just sort of ruminate in the corner and not come to anything. Then it might cover off or find somebody else to make it happen and which is why sometimes you see people’s career project. Oh, that was my only like a year ago or I’ve got something similar. Now some of that is because I think the universe wants us to create certain things and it was beneficial. So you do see other people do the similar thing. At the moment, we are in a massive change around relationship protocol or relationships in the way they function around the rise of the rise of the divine feminine and also it’s balanced and energetic counterpart, not it’s obviously not the reverse patriarchy. And so, because that’s a conversation that lots of people are having. It’s not that might our contribution to that general friend is requires no ID Canvas would be the same for brushed it was missing. However, there are times when we’ve abandoned a creative idea. And it looks like it lives inside his house was Mrs. habitability would have died in 93, indicating we’d left it alone. And in actual fact, it has got a new person who’s built. So it’s worth taking some time. At this point of the year I think, as a creative, what am I allowed to harvest what is like on a short return? What maybe I thought was ready to harvest, but isn’t actually it’s got longer to germinate into ruminate into and what has leapfrogged itself. So you made a thing. And it was just maybe a short thing, of course, a couple of poems, maybe a couple of paintings, something of that nature. And now you realise that this is actually only one puzzle piece, and a 5000 piece jigsaw. So you haven’t abandoned the idea, the idea has grown and evolved all by itself, and you need to do is keep up. Other think it’s important to remember that sometimes that can happen. And it doesn’t mean that the original idea formed or failed, was chosen to turn up fully formed. But another three, four months down the line or another year, and you created a piece of it. There’s another piece and another piece. So it’s about being gentle with yourself that actually this is not going nowhere. Yeah, I

Camilla Fellas Arnold
think that’s a really interesting point, what you say there about contracts with creative ideas, because you kind of never know whether it’s going to stay whether it’s going to go I’ve had projects like I’m working on some multi author books right now, those projects have sat with me and waited for me for a full year. But then, like in Big Magic, Liz Gilbert, she talks about an idea for a book that she had, and someone else took the book on. And the the similarities between these books was insane when they you know, compared notes when they found out a few years later. But the idea had waited for her long enough. I think there’s this creators can have this kind of urgency and pressure that they put on themselves to get these things out now now. But it’s really important for us as creatives to remember that part of being a creative one thing that we really, really need is time to think, reflect, incubate, we’ve been talking about it manually all year about that idea that these things need that time to grow and evolve. You don’t just plant the seed today, and then expect tomorrow that you’re going to have the tree and the fruit and all the things. It’s about giving yourself that grace to say, I’m in a different stage, I’m in a different phase, I need different things, I’m interested in different things, things are moving for me, the ideas won’t disappear on the first day that you take a day off, like they do give you some time, it’s okay to just give it some space. Like me, for example, with this podcast, I can feel it’s evolving. I know it’s moving. I don’t know what it’s moving and growing into. But haven’t left it. We haven’t broken our creative contract. It’s still here, they’re still waiting for me. I’m still waiting for it when we’re feeling into each other. And that’s okay. There’s no problem with that. But creators can be really, really hard on themselves. And I think this is my message to anyone who’s listening who’s ever felt like that, like, please just be kind to yourself is it’s okay, you are doing amazing. Creativity is a really difficult and an ever evolving beast that we walk with. It’s fun, we love it. But also understanding it is really, really hard. So it’s okay to not have all the answers today.

Emily Tuck
It’s an opportunity to see where you are with the different projects, ready to harvest now who isn’t ready to harvest and it’s also an opportunity for the participant it feels right. What I do is that, quite frankly, never got a design because I couldn’t be bothered with the last half a mile. If I can take that and push it over.

Camilla Fellas Arnold
There’s a fine balance between just realising actually I need some discipline and I just need to sit down and just get this done. And sometimes it’s okay to say you know what, this project really isn’t aligned anymore. It’s okay for me to let it go. But creators we do sometimes struggle to find that balance. And this is why I think that timepiece that you’re talking about, but it takes a long time, it can take months years for these things to actually make sense, is really important lesson for us. Because you know, in the coaching space, as you’ve been talking about, you know, 18 months, etc, it’s reminded me of millionaire Melanie and Leah, and her she talks about pineapples, and that they take 18 months to grow one pineapple on the tree. And when you’ve taken that pineapple, you’ll get another pineapple from that same tree, but it’ll take another year. And then that whole plant is done, and you’ve got approved to plant anyone, but 18 months for one pineapple. And that’s okay. Because these things can be worth it.

Emily Tuck
And it’s worth noting because you quoted million layer, let’s do her credit. She has a lovely, she has a lovely monologue about this season. One of the phrases she uses in it is those seeds we planted however long ago, Mother Nature got the university have heard of those seeds we planted however long ago, it’s permission to kind of let yourself but what’s pretty to harvest now, what can come out into the world now, and what might need another another route round, what also might be ready, like it feels like it’s done, this session is done. I also know that one day that’s going to be a puzzle piece inside a bigger jigsaw. But right now this is ready. And allow that bit out into the world you don’t need to hang on to until the whole thing is done. If the universe wants that it will make it very clear. So there’s this What are you putting in right now? And what are you seeing? So the earth element gives us the aspect of really talks about V do have. So this is the having what’s going on around our having a manifesting our ability to put up on the earth. So one of the things to bear in mind is that the part of the body that is fortified or strengthened by this earth element, let’s face it, it is our muscles, it’s in our physical body. So whether or not you’re someone who is an exercise that or not, if that’s maybe I suddenly feel the need to go out. It may be that you’re trying to use your muscles, because your muscles wants to move because they’re trying to be supported. They’re trying to support you in the manifesting process. And this is just an aside, but I have had it when I’ve been dealing with people who maybe suffer from kind of constipation. Some times. They say that the reason for that is that when you can’t, when you’re not grounding in life, you don’t ground things, you’re all about the new. Because sometimes it’s new creative ideas, you can spend long in wood, which we spoke about wonderful sorrow. Now the star episode of how it’s all about the new creative idea. So we’re so busy with the new creative ideas that we forget to actually finish and round. And that was something I had interesting relationship with a year ago. Because I have to be practically nailed to the damn desk to make myself harvest that thing, because I was too excited by the new thing. But what happened was my earth element was actually in deficit. I had ignored it as the as the poor cousin of the set. Because what it’s trying to teach you is the ability to ground and stabilise and what they say, when you’re refusing to take that lesson and use it, the body will compensate round you. If you cannot brown it was that you let go of stuff. You won’t let you put it on yet because you’re not willing to manifest it, you’re not willing to finish the project. body compensates roundness as if it were the only way we can do that is to keep holding on. And so the company, the constipation is actually intended to try and ground you. Because when you finish with a product and it’s harvested, it’s gone. Your body can let go. thing that I have seen it in myself in in clients, I’ve seen it in the second we’ve done the things half an hour later only dilute. There’s a process where the body is always done with that we let go of whatever that was harvested that thing. We let go of everything else. Sometimes that slow bowels or constipation can show up because we haven’t manifested we haven’t harvested and allowed it to round. I think that comes

Camilla Fellas Arnold
back to the point that we were starting to make at the beginning of the episode where we were talking about the Lionsgate portal. We’ve got this Supercharged manifestation energy going on right now. Which if you have got some things that have slowed themselves down or become a bit stagnant, you can use this to propel yourself forward and make some things happen and land on the ground.

Emily Tuck
And that’s where Going out and walking and wanting to move your muscles because they fortify those parts of the body. Because we’re on the ground. Yes, somebody who walks their dog. And so you have your feet on the ground every day. And the number of times, and I’m sure, there are plenty of listeners who have a similar experience in different ways, the number of times you’re like, oh, speech later, and then you bring me two and a half minutes into your walk. Because as you move your body and as you put your feet on the ground, and some of the ideas can take root, and a whole bunch of new ideas, or at least the next stage or whatever role I used in the walking.

Camilla Fellas Arnold
Yeah, that’s me, happens so much that in particularly if I’ve been training on an idea, you know, I’ve been really stuck, I can’t find an answer, or I know something’s there, but just can’t quite access it. A lot of the time going for the walk, suddenly, the answer just arrives fully formed. And I can’t help myself, I just got to tell someone about it. Because it’s just flowing through me. Just getting out into that air, feeling the ground, being in the trees, all of those things, just create that movement that I needed that space that I needed for it to come in.

Emily Tuck
And often what they say for going back to the slow bass coordinate is what they say walk if you walk on a regular basis, cause you’re grounding because you’re earthing because you’re putting into walls, the system starts to do what it’s designed to do, and let go upon it doesn’t need anymore. So it can be a really interesting exercise to use this time for that. So the other thing to look at is when it’s about having and manifesting and putting on the earth. You’ve got two coordinates here, one I want to talk about conscious belief patterns. And the other a little bit is the portal to the portal is not specifically my expertise. However, it’s about realising that this is a really, really important manifestation portal. And however you feel drawn to work with it, whichever persons meditations you feel drawn to use, what happens within the portal is this idea that you are now planting seeds in the harvest that will come about again, between now and the next year, between now the next. So between now and in bulk, or between last year, we did this on the APA. And we talked about the idea that those things would manifest by the following February. Now some of them have and some of them have taken the whole year. In one case, something that I put into the portfolio and decided that was my intention to the only harvested at the end of June took a whole lot 11 months to come back. However I put it in with a one on so so. So what you’re doing as you’re imagining this a bit like a portal or a wormhole, and what you’re doing, if you’re keeping your thoughts really mindful, you could do it for the entire duration of the element and highlight the whole point of this harvest harvesting process. But what are we putting in? What are we asking to manifest either in the next 12 weeks? What are we asking to manifest in the next 12 months? Because of course. And so you’re putting in a new set of seeds as well harvested in this in the harvest calf in the spring? So it’s a constant as you described it before we started recording our constant Rolling Harvest. So that’s what the portal is about, is what is the manifestation and intention? So just like we talked about, it involves Who do you choose to be in this moment? Using the ability to manifest in a shorter term cycle, but also put in for a long term return cycle. Who do you want to be? Who do you choose to be? And what do you choose to have in the world? What do you choose to create? What feels like this is what the world’s evolution needs. And this is the type of thing I will create. Because as you set that intention, and as you put it into the Lionsgate portal, what you end up with is that the universe hears that. Okay, it’s been put in during a very important gateway session. So be very mindful of, for example, your thoughts and I’m not going to be eternally optimistic because

Camilla Fellas Arnold
it’s about allowing yourself to to believe in the possibilities and what do you truly want. I mean, we spent a lot of time over this year talking about letting go of those limiting beliefs and all of those things that are in your way and now is the opportunity to say A, this is what I’m choosing to believe in is possible that I want for myself I want to create for the world. This is what I’m looking for. It’s not about toxic positivity. And that’s unrealistic. This is a day where you can sit there say, what do I really want to create? You know, all things are possible? What do I really want it give yourself permission to dream and have fun with it. Because you know what the universe is listening, there’s so much energy, so much intention around today, that it cannot possibly miss what you’re thinking. So make it good to

Emily Tuck
right now in the first week of the harvest process, you’re mindful of what you want to have now doesn’t have to be stuff. It could be the relationship that you want, or it could be that you’re able to give back to society. It doesn’t have to be

Camilla Fellas Arnold
No, it doesn’t have to be in a brand new house or a big car, it doesn’t have to be tangible things. No, there’s absolutely no reason why it doesn’t. You can be materialistic and merit it totally. But it doesn’t have to be entirely there. You know, you could put in the intentions of creating a new exhibition, or a piece of work that you’re really desperate or a medium that you’re really desperate to try something that you’d like to master something you’d like to explore and experiment with a theme or a topic. It can be whatever you want, that you put in to this portal. And the energy peaks today, or peaks on the eighth. And it carries on until about the 12. So you’ve still got time, if you’re listening to this, to put out those intentions.

Emily Tuck
And I’m just reading something in kind of 25 words or less every year on the eighth day of the eighth month, so the eighth of august of each year, it was a cosmic alignment called the lions gateway. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and the spiritual realm. The Lionsgate portal is activated and the sun serious and the earth are at a specific point in the sky image together in this moment, it is in this moment sorry, that you will realise what you truly want and what goals you need to set for the coming year. So this is why we deliberately didn’t rush to do it on the first because if we had been talking about it on the first images kind of working, but it’s not peak, it’s not as accurate as we deliberately left the recording for a few days, because we wanted to speak with the potency of that it wouldn’t have been solid, wouldn’t have been,

Camilla Fellas Arnold
it wouldn’t have been quite a fully formed idea or episode, it’s now got that energy we’re living it, we can feel it. So we can talk about it in a different way than we would have if it was just an idea or concept we were talking about last week. So I think it’s it’s made for a richer episode. And you know, people who in future because obviously this is a year long series that we’re doing, people can listen to this next year. And I will release it earlier on the first so people can have that in mind that it’s coming up and can work with it more intentionally as well.

Emily Tuck
I think the other thing to bear in mind, though, we’ve got this different ways of different length of time that harvesting can have different ways to harvest you’ve got the idea of harvesting, but actually it’s only you’re harvesting a part of a much bigger thing that you didn’t even see. Maybe you haven’t harvested because the idea still growing legs. All of these are okay. The other thing I wanted to put into the space is the idea we talked around when we did be odd and we really did never do with have is the subconscious belief that may or may not be seen. And so we’ve just talked about the idea of keeping yourself as positive as we can, which is fine, because the manifestations but also it’s an it will provide an opportunity this next X number of weeks will provide an opportunity with a relationship to having needs or needs a bit of reframing, it may not need cleaning, it may need refining. For example, we have a belief that rich people the mean is well we’re not going to want to having because once we have the yield of the thing, so whether that is heart literally harvest of the grain, or whether that is harvest of an idea, therefore I get paid for it. However, that shows up in the outside world. And we’ve got beliefs around having not having and also you know, is there an ancestral thing maybe around like the whole of the lack of harvest, when were the harvests lean? I mean, my ancestors, for example, a silent generation? Well, if you look at the timing of that is around about the potato famine. So the risk is like, I’m not allowed to have a can’t have an opportunity to look with uncritical eyes. The fact that they made me come looking at us this time to change what having means. So that you can harvest can grow, and you can land it.

Camilla Fellas Arnold
And it’s especially important for creatives, because there’s this whole I mean, I’ve talked about it at length, in other episodes, this whole mentality about being a starving, starving or suffering artist. So it’s kind of built into our psyche, as creatives that we’re not allowed to have, we’re not allowed to be joyful, blah, blah, blah. So this is really good opportunity to look at those beliefs that you hold around your creativity. And it’s, you know, just because you’re compelled to create, are you holding beliefs that are holding you back, that’s preventing you from actually reaping any rewards from what you do? The having, are you preventing yourself subconsciously, of course, is not always a conscious thing, but subconsciously sabotaging yourself against having in this harvest, it’s perfect time to have a look at it.

Emily Tuck
And one of the things that can, what we will do in our subconscious, if that’s the case, is as long as I don’t have, I can always keep the creative ideas coming, I can always maintain that. So what you then do is that thing gets put on hold, do nine tenths of the pain and never get the last little bit over the line. And that shows up? Because he doesn’t, he gets 99% of the way there and then just doesn’t. So there’s lots of different ways to look at this period as a creative. Definitely, it’s

Camilla Fellas Arnold
it’s really enlightening. There’s plenty that I’ve taken away from this for myself, I will definitely be going and having a second look at. I know I’ve cleared out a lot of stuff. But do I have anything else that’s in the way of me having any ancestral stories, any personal stories? What is going on there just to make sure it’s really, really clean. And also that just giving myself a little bit of grace, sometimes, as creators, we are very, very hard on ourselves. So just actually, this is a Rolling Harvest, as we said, Let it be so don’t have to bring in the entire harvest today. It can start today and we can then let it continue there. They’re the things I’m really taking away from this.

Emily Tuck
I want to make one final point which I wasn’t going to but I feel it’s important that I do somehow, please do look into manifestation. We’ve talked about it in lots of different ways whether it’s the Lionsgate portal, whether it’s the spleen that manifests, because it separates the fuel from the input and then sends it off to have something done with it. Whether it’s, you know, having part of the creative process, however you want to frame it. What happens is the frequency talking about when you’re talking about starving artists concept that we’ve had for so long, the frequency of manifesting something, the frequency of having something in the room harvesting something, frequency of desire, what do we So we’ve talked a lot in these different episodes about cleaning out subconscious limiting frameworks. Because that’s a really interesting coordinate, and it’s actually in the wheelhouse, so fine. But actually, manifestation is built on desire. So you could look at it and start the other way a bit like we’re doing with the portal, which is what do we want to manifest? What do we desire? And when we create a life built on desire, what we want and what we desire and what we would like to start what brings us back to that creative joy, however you want to frame it. If there are limiting beliefs, contrary to that fact, they will show themselves, you don’t need to go hunting into the wound or into the starving artist. By setting up I’m on this or I’m wanting to manifest this or I desire this. It’s contra indicated belief itself can be cleaned up as they show up, as opposed to stay. So it allows you to move into desire, which is the frequency that manifests

Camilla Fellas Arnold
instead of saying that starving artists wounded space. Yes, absolutely. I like that. I think that’s a really important message. So for anyone who is listening, take that away. view instead of Oh, what have I got this in the way? Maybe let’s think about what do we want those things that are in the way gonna show up? So let’s, let’s think about the joyful things, the positive things, the things we really want out of life. What are they? What do you want to create? What do you want to do? What do you want to have it be in the world, all of those fun, amazing things. And then just let those other bits that are in the way just show themselves rather than let’s go digging in the dirt for all the crappy. Flip it that way around. And suddenly, it’s a lot more fun, and a lot more doable, and definitely a lot more doable. So I think that’s a really, really important piece. So thank you for sharing that. As a last aside, that was really, really important.

Emily Tuck
Really well. And I look forward to joining you again in six weeks time when we will look at we will continue with the harvesting theme because as I said, there are three kind of mini harvesting festivals within October. But this it will be a halfway point. So it’s what have we done in the first six weeks that have maybe come to fruition? Or what have we put in place? That means we will harvest something later. And what shifted we need to maybe make so that we can maximise the yield at the far end.

Camilla Fellas Arnold
Well, I look forward to that. And so as a last aside, I will put these all in the show notes. But if anyone wants to find out more about what you do and work with you, how can they find you?

Emily Tuck
So I’m mostly findable, if that’s even a word isn’t it isn’t nicely found on LinkedIn. I also have my website of Emily talk.com. And I’ve got my own podcast Linda speaks which is currently going through a guesting face. So there’s plenty of interesting conversations going on over there. Just get in touch and find out how we can work together on so you make sure you’ve got all of my details. Yes, I will

Camilla Fellas Arnold
put everything in the show notes. Thank you once again for a very enlightening conversation. I always love these they is just because I understand the pagan wheel. It still gives me something new when we have these conversations. So I enjoy it as much as I hope my listeners do. Thank you for coming. Thank you everyone for listening. We will be back with Emily at the mid to end of September and I will speak to you soon.

Thanks for listening to creative power today. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends and consider leaving a review. To find out more ways you can connect or work with me please visit WWW dot Camilla fellas arnold.com forward slash creative power

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