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Creative Power Episode 27: The Impact of Lammas on Creativity

What impact does the flow of energy throughout the year have on our creativity? How is our creativity and inspiration shifting as we reach Lammas and the Lionsgate Portal? What are you harvesting creatively? What else would you like to manifest in your creative practice? In this fifth guest interview of a year-long series with […]

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Creative Power Episode 26: The Impact of the Litha Summer Solstice on Creativity

What impact does the flow of energy throughout the year have on our creativity? How is our creativity and inspiration shifting as we reach Litha, the summer solstice. How can we support ourselves if we are burning out? What steps can we take to ensure we fuel our fire? How can we harness this and

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Creative Power Episode 25: How to Stay Creatively Energised

Do you struggle with creative burnout? Is your creativity a story of periods of manic intense activity followed by resentful low periods of inactivity? Do you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of starting another new project? Do you feel like you’re running out of time and energy to get everything done? In this episode, we’ll

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Creative Power Episode 24: Prioritise and Streamline Your Creative Projects

Do you struggle to prioritise your creative ideas? Or perhaps you can never finish anything because you don’t know where to start? Have you ever felt bored having to do the same repetitive tasks in your business over and over again? Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to do things that

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Creative Power Episode 23: Goal Setting for Creatives

Do you feel raring to go with all your creative projects right now? Do you have lots of things you want to work on but feel scattered and overwhelmed by the workload? Do you always run out of time and get stressed by your deadlines? When you have lots of ideas, it can be tempting

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Creative Power Episode 22: The Impact of Beltane on Creativity

What impact does the flow of energy throughout the year have on our creativity? How is our creativity and inspiration shifting as we reach the 1st May (Beltane) and move into the fire energy of action and doing? How can we harness this and use it to support our creativity flow? In this third guest

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Creative Power Episode 21: How To Reframe The Starving Artist Mentality

Are you tired of lowering your rates or working for exposure? Are you exhausted, struggling to pay your bills through your creative work? Do you feel like you’re always begging for a sale? Do you wonder if you’ll ever be a success? Are you wondering if you should go out and get a ‘real’ job?

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Creative Power Episode 20: Open Up Your Creative Mind With Meditation and Yoga

Are you looking for new ways to spark your creativity and open your mind? Have you tried meditation before but found it too difficult and couldn’t access the benefits? Do you have no idea how meditation and yoga can benefit your creativity but want to find out? Join me in this episode where I’ll be

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Creative Power Episode 19: Bringing Out Your Playful Side

Do you feel bored and uninspired? Do you want to unlock new levels of your creative potential and unleash your imagination? Do you wish that instead of an endless slog, you could give yourself permission to play? In this episode, we’ll be exploring how overlooked fun and play are as part of self-care and expressing

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Creative Power Episode 18: Unlock Your Creativity by Healing Your Inner Child

Do you wish you could be more creative but don’t feel that it’s possible for you? Do you feel like you’re blocked from reaching your creative potential but aren’t really sure why? What if you were able to go back and trace the source of that block and heal it, freeing your true creative power

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